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Doctor of Ministry

Program Total Number of Credits: 30

The primary purpose of the Doctor of Ministry degree program is to nurture and train selected men and women to minister from a Wesleyan-Pentecostal perspective at an advanced level of competency. The degree addresses the general practice of ministry while allowing the student to focus on one ministerial vocation. Graduates will be expected to function in the truest sense as “doctors” of ministry, persons who influence others toward effective Christian service.

The ministerial vocations include but are not limited to (1) preaching the Word, (2) teaching the Faith, (3) providing pastoral care, (4) counseling (including professional counseling), (5) evangelizing the lost, (6) leading in worship, (7) discipling others in Christian living, (8) challenging and enabling all members of the faith community to fulfill their callings in Christ, (9) facilitating koinonia within and among Christian congregations, (10) modeling and facilitating Christian ministries of mercy and justice in society at large, (11) overseeing and administering various expressions of the church and its ministries.

Degree Requirements

Doctor of Ministry Core (12 hours)

  • DM 901 - Doctor of Ministry Orientation and Assessment (3 hours)

  • DM 908 - Reading Theology for Ministry (3 hours)

  • DM 914 - Reading Scripture for Ministry (3 hours)

  • DM 915 - Reading Theological Contexts (3 hours)

Focus Area Electives (9 hours)

  • DM 991 - Elective in Focus Area (3 hours)

  • DM 992 - Elective in Focus Area (3 hours)

  • DM 993 - Elective in Focus Area (3 hours)

Project and Dissertation Courses (9 hours)*

(*Please note these courses must be taken in the following order and sequence)

  • DM 931 - DMin Project: Proposal (1 hour)

  • DM 911 - Context-Based Covenant Group: Project Proposal (1 hour)

  • DM 932 - DMin Project: Prospectus (1 hour)

  • DM 912 - Context-Based Covenant Group: Project Prospectus (1 hour)

  • DM 933 - DMin Project: Implementation and Assessment (1 hour)

  • DM 913 - Context-Based Covenant Group: Project Implementation and Assessment (1 hour)

  • DM 934 - DMin Dissertation and Defense (3 hours)

Educational Prerequisites:

The DMIN degree has as a prerequisite the Master of Divinity degree (MDIV) or its educational equivalent. By purpose and design the DMIN is built upon the knowledge and skills associated with the successful completion of the MDIV degree. Thus, the normal route into the DMIN is through the successful completion of an MDIV degree. However, applicants to the DMIN degree program may be accepted based upon the ability to demonstrate having achieved the knowledge and skills required of MDIV graduates without actually holding the MDIV degree. At PTS there are three options by which an applicant may demonstrate having achieved the equivalent of an MDIV degree.

The Three Options:

Option 1:  An Accredited Theological Degree Plus Sufficient Course Work:   Equivalency may be demonstrated by:

a.    Holding an accredited master’s level degree in any area of theological education

b. Having a minimum of 72 hours of graduate credits,

c.     And having successfully completed within the 72 hours a minimum of 6 hours of graduate Biblical studies, 6 hours of graduate theological/historical studies, 6 hours of graduate ministry related studies and 3 hours of graduate personal/ministerial development studies.

Option 2:  An Accredited Theological Degree Plus A Portfolio:    Applicants may demonstrate equivalency by :

a.  Possessing an accredited master’s degree in any area of theological education (Biblical studies, Theological/Historical studies, or studies in ministry practice),

b.   Submitting a portfolio demonstrating achievement of the degree outcomes of the PTS MDIV degree,

c.   And completing an interview with the DMIN Director for the purpose of reviewing the portfolio and confirming achievement of the degree related outcomes, i.e., the interview is congruent with the M.Div. capstone review.

Option 3: An Accredited Non-theological but Ministry Related Degree Plus a Portfolio:  Applicants to the DMIN degree program who do not possess a theological master's degree but who do possess an accredited master's degree in a field related to ministry (counseling, education, leadership, business administration, etc.) may demonstrate equivalence with the MDIV degree by

a.    Submitting a portfolio demonstrating competency in each area of the PTS MDIV degree outcome statements.

b.    Completing 21 hours of master's level theological studies as prescribed: 9 in Biblical studies, 9 in theology, and 3 in personal development for ministry. One of the courses in Biblical studies must be in web based biblical exegesis and another in research and writing for advanced theological studies. Contact the D. Min. Director for details.

c.    And being interviewed by the D. Min. Director for the purpose of reviewing the portfolio and confirming achievement of the degree related outcomes, i.e., the interview is congruent with the M.Div. capstone review.


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